First Part Shear side strut 21/03/10
Butt Shear Drawing 04/07/10
Butt Shear Parts 12/09/10
Shear Complete
Shear Complete
Shear Complete
To make this model casting I have machined the shape from solid then masking the areas to remain machined grit blasted the rest to try to simulate a cast finish 14-11-10
01-01-11 Made the container cylinder ends and prepared ready for painting the one on the left was grit blasted using 190 grit the one on the right using 80 grit I will see which paints up the better
11-01-11 Been out in the workshop again made the container pistons and rods
These nine tie rod nuts have taken three weekends to complete, I have included the drawing and a picture of the actual nuts. The larger model nuts at 1/12 scale weigh 80 grams each so the real thing would weigh 12 * 12 * 12 * 80g =138Kg so I have modeled over a tonne of steel saying it like that three weekends is not so bad. The next thing is 24 10BA * 5/8 bolts and nuts to clamp them. PS the tie rods do not yet exist.
14-03-11 Some of the smaller bits
02-05-11 Main ram and holder 5 pads and the control desk bracket
19-06-11 The three tie bars one with nuts fitted and their C spanner
02-10-12 Billet loader pivot
13-04-13 Billet loader bearing brackets
27-04-13 Billet loader Ramp
26-12-13 Main left and right BackBone 16 inches long
27-12-13 An easy bit to finish the evening "well it is Christmas" 1:12 Billet 0.5833 dia x 2.125 long
11-02-14 L/H frame assembly
23-02-14 frame assembly 16 inches long
06-04-14 Main Frame Milling
06-04-14 Main Frame to assemble
06-04-14 Main Frame to Assemble
06-04-14 Main Frame to Assemble
01-08-14 Container Bearings
01-08-14 Container Cylinders
24-11-14 Trial Assembly 2 With But Shear Die Slide Cylinder and Container Cylinders
05-02-15 Die Slide and Die holders the screws are 1.6mm cap head
23-02-15 Container finished Full size weight would be 1.624Kg x12x12x12=2806.3Kg
28-02-15 After some experimental errors and lots of learning. A finished die retainer
28-02-15 fitted with 12 1.6mm cap head screws
18-05-15 complete main frame
18-05-15 die slide complete with dies
12-08-16 container housing
10-06-18 main cylinder
28-06-18 Starting to look like an extrusion press
02-12-18 Dump valve and side rams fully working
Then a break for a few years whilst I did Hill clumb and sprint in my 1967 Lotus Elan +2
My Youtube Channel
05-05-24 To continue with the model I have decided to make a trolley for it based on the Idea of a hospital trolley these are the first parts 4 legs with 6" castors
First assembly
Just the right hight to roll into the Landrover
Its a good fit
Finished Transport - Display Trolley
ALCAN Banbury Number 9 Extrusion Press